Blog niching and affiliate marketing

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Posted by on Tuesday October 4, 2011 10:30:47:

Blog niching is a method website owners or bloggersu use to dominate certain keywords. It has to do with creating a lot of content related to a
When it comes to affiliate marketing and being successful at it, one very effective way to achieve results is by using niche blogs. There are a couple of people who make serious money just frm product niche blogs and when I say niceh, I mean sites that have a lot of content related to a prticular product or group of products. Think of an affiliate program with This company has a lot of products which it offers to sale to consumers but the more popular ones include produts like Amazon Kindle and even digital cameras. Now, there are a couple of niche blogs dedicated to just writing and publishing reviews about Amazon Kindle and this is helping a lot of those smart guys make as much as 10% for each sale they generate. We know Amazon normally pays 10% to affiliates who promote their products and these guys have a lot of articles on their niche blogs and infact, starting from the domain name to the varying urls of their web pages, such websites are optimized for getting a majority of search engie traffic related to Amazon Kindle. When people search for things like Affordable amazon Kindles, 3g compatibility, 2011 Kindle, watching videos on Kindle, formats available on the Kindle and so on, such niche blogs are more likely to get listed on the top pages of search results and the thing is that such incoming traffic is good for them as they would be able to relate to potential buyers on a more personal level than the marketers.

Steps to setting up a niche affiliate blog
- Register a domain name related to the affiliate product or service e.g. or
- Create a lot of content related to Frequently asked questions or customer reviews on that item
- Allow comments and be ready to answer them
- Include your affiliate links on the blog
- Make your blog updated as more new versions are released or new promos are being done

Why Niche affiliate marketing pays more?
- It is more specific to the item being promoted
- It offers a wide pool of resources for potential buyers
- Niche sites tend to rank higher on search results and produce better results
- It targets potential buyers more

Popular niche products and services that you can promote
Mostly electronic gadgets on consumer sites like such as Apple Ipad, Nokia phones, digital cameras, Amazon Kindle, Laptops and so on. You would be able to get a 10% commission for every sale you generate. Imagine if you make a sale worth $1500 and be rewarded with a $150 commission. Now that is a good way to live and besides people are always making online purchases everyday on a lot of American, British and even Chinese stores.

Audience targeting also matters
If you intend going into affiliate marketing with niche sites, you need to put your audience at heart. People tend to buy at online stores with presence in their countries so you need to be able to target an write in a language that such potential buyers understand and are used to. British English is quite different from American English and those are still different from Chinese, Japanese or other languages where there are a lot of potential buyers.
