Increasing your Google adsense income

Tips to Make Money in Nigeria

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Posted by on Thursday July 14, 2011 15:39:14:

Earning $100 a month might be a big feat for most newbie publishers but even if your earnings from adsense is still below or above that, you might have wished it were a little higher or even tripled. Perhaps not everyone may be able to reach the famous 5 digit income of UPS club members but if you can move your income from adsense to say twice or triple its current size, I guess it would be a cool achievement.

Now, how can one increase his current earnings from Google adsense?
You can do it in the following ways:
1. Identify your current earning per day
2. Identify the channels or keywords that are currently bringing you that income
3. Increase traffic to those pages by a factor

Step 1: Identifying your current earning per day from adsense:
Now let's say you are currently earning $1 a day from adsense and you want that value to increase to say $5 a day. Your target of $5 will then give you a monthly income of about $150 which is fairly enough to get you a monthly check. What you need to do in this context is to take note of how much you are already earning per day. You can do so by logging into your Google adsense account and view your yesterday's income. You may also set the values for 7 days in order to see the total of your 7 day earning and then do the average per day by dividing it by 7. Let's say for the past 7 days, you earned $18, it then means that your average daily income is $14/7 which is almost equal to $2. Using your average daily income will give much better results than just the yesterday's report so you can take note of your daily average for a start.

Step 2: Identifying the channels or keywords that are currently bringing you that income:
Now that you've recognized your daily income from adsense, another thing you should do is to identify those channels, urls and keywords that are bringing you the current income. The idea is to focus on them and further work on them in order to easily increase your Google adsense earning mathematically.
Channels can be the urls where your ads are placed or the type of ads that you are using. You will have to create channeld from within your adsense account to help you get better reporting. If you ahave multiple websites, you can for a start just include the home page urls or your multiple sites. If you have a single site, you can include the urls or your more popular posts especially the ones that bring in more traffic. A good way to easily get the urls of sites that bring in the most traffic is with Google webmaster tools account or your web hosting stats and focusing on top keywords. You can also create custom channels if you use varying formats of Google's ads and this will help you to identify which formats are work best for your site.

After identifying and creating custom and url channels, you need to move to step 3.

Step 3: Increase traffic to those pages by a factor
This is where the main work lies. You have done a bit of appraisal on your site and you are currently making money with adsense. You have identified the urls and ads that are currently bringing you income. So what do you do now? It all boils down to traffic and the more those branched get, the more money you are likely to make. The good thing about adsense is that even when people don't click on the ads, you can still earn some income just for creating impressions, after all, the ads are using up your space.

How do you increase traffic to thos branches? You can do so in the following ways:
- Adding more keyword focused content
- Use external articles to link back to your site
- Make use of social networking by connecting your site to twitter and facebook or any other social tool
- Make use of feedburner to get people subscribed by email. In that way you will always get return traffic as long as they stay subscribed.
- Allow more comments on your site as it helps in building your site content and ranking on search engines
- Use Google webmaster tools to view your site and see where your weaknesses are and correct them

So you need to decide on how much you want to earn per day and divide it by your current income to get a factor. You will now have to use multiply that factor by the strategy you want to use to increase your website traffic. Assuming you are earning $2 a day and want to earn $6 then it means that your desired growth factor is 3 and you should then multiply your strategy 3 times to get the desired results. Assuming that a certain keyword brings you $1 a day, you can work on that keyword by posting more related topics around it to get more traffic. If you only have one post about a popular topic, you would need to multiply it to 3 posts. If you have 3, you would need to increase it to about 9 posts. If you are currently getting 10 unique visitors a day, you would then need to increase that number to about 30 if you really want to see a growth in your current income. I have been using this system and it seems to be working. You just have to follow the fundamentals.
